Portfolio Pieces

These are some of my most developed porfolio projects that I have worked on with a team of other developers as well as on my own.

This screen is the main homepage for any user to go on to sign in or sign up to their account.


HackerStat is a website where hackers can add their own cool integrations for others to see. These integrations include GitHub, WakaTime, Behance, Dribbble, and etc..

This Modular Adapter was a group project assigned to a group of three other developers including myself by the Amazon Alexa team. The project’s objective was to build a device that would be an adapter between a user’s voice and an electronic device. This device would be meant for people with disabilities that could only their use their voice. In addition, this project was conducted during the pandemic so this device was built in a remote setting.

Amazon Alexa

This Modular Adapter was a group project assigned to a group of three other developers including myself by the Amazon Alexa team. The project’s objective was to build a device that would be an adapter between a user’s voice and an electronic device. This device would be meant for people with disabilities that could only their use their voice.

This is the sign in screen of the desktop app. This desktop app was built using a Rust framework called Tauri. More screens and features for Bicker!n are in current development.


Bickerin is an app that helps you centralize all your team’s important Git Issues, Jira Task deadlines, and other dev tools in shared one chatroom.

This is the main screen of the app when you open it. This screen contains three main tabs: School, Calendar, and Teachers. The School screen contains documents a student would want to have for convenience. The Calendar screen is a calendar of the school's upcoming events. The Teachers screen is a list of the school's faculty that contains a faculty's photo, email, and department.


SRA was a mobile app that I built for my highschool that would replace the school's website (unoptimized for mobile). The app would have a list of the faculty, the bell schedule, the calendar, and other features that would replace the website. The app would also recieve push notifications. All data including faculty info and the annual calendar are on the device and not retrieved from a server. Before I left highschool, the app was released on the App Store and had around 20 downloads.